Men’s Psychotherapy Group

Tuesday evenings, 7 – 9pm

Heaton Moor Therapy Centre (SK4 4AG)

This ongoing psychotherapy group is a place for men to talk about their mental health, learn about themselves and how they relate to others, explore different ways of being in the world, and receive support to make positive changes in their lives.

The group seeks to affirm diverse expressions of masculinity, and so welcomes members of the LGBTQ+ community, including trans men and non binary people.

Why a men’s group?

Men’s mental health is widely recognised as an important area of need. Men are less likely to seek help, and are at higher risk of suicide. Male conditioning discourages men from seeking support and expressing vulnerability. Men often suffer alone and can particularly struggle with isolation, finding it difficult forming supportive social relationships with others, in particular other men.

Group therapy affords opportunities that individual therapy cannot provide, including a space to receive support but also show support to others, feel less alone in our struggles, and learn from the experience of others. A therapy group can also be a safe testing ground for experimenting with different ways of being and relating to others which may benefit us in the rest of our lives.

How does the group work?

The group meets once a week for two hours, and is an open space for people to talk freely about themselves and their lives in a safe environment.

People join the group as vacancies arise (maximum of 6 people, not including therapist), and leave once they have done the work they wanted to. Those interested in joining will meet with me for an initial consultation to talk about what they’d like to work on and whether the group would be suitable for them.

In order for the group to maintain its stability, a minimum commitment of three months is required for new members. For group members ready to leave, it is asked they provide one month’s notice.

Group Rules

Those wishing to join the group will be asked to agree to a simple therapy contract which seeks to protect people’s confidentiality and personal information, as well as clarifying scenarios in which confidentiality may need to be breached for safeguarding purposes.

Participants are encouraged to express themselves freely and explore different ways of being in the group, whilst maintaining an environment of mutual care and respect.

What’s the cost?

The cost of the group is £30 per session. As well as breaks for holidays, members are permitted four absences at no charge during the course of the calendar year.

Who’s running the group

The group is run by Ben Rath, a BACP accredited counsellor and psychotherapist. Ben has years of experience working therapeutically with men both as a therapist and mental health support worker.

Want to know more?

Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions, or if you’re interested in joining the group and would like to arrange an initial consultation.

Get in touch